Logistical Procedure

  1. Sign up to volunteer using the sign up form
  2. You will get a message with a request alert that specifies
    1. the approximate location
    2. whether the request requires a car or could be done on foot
    3. approximate amount of money I would need to spend
    4. urgency of the request
  3. Reply within 2 hours if you have the ability to fulfil the request within the next 12 hours and say that you're keen to help
  4. Wait for a message with the details of a person with a shopping request
  5. Send them a message confirming (1) what they need (2) when is a good time to come and wait for their reply
  6. Go and buy the supplies (can be in touch with the person who originally texted who can give information about where particular supplies are in stock)
  7. Send your Paypal details and a picture of the receipt to the person and wait for them to send me a screenshot of the completed transaction
  8. Drop off the supplies and send them a text saying the supplies have been delivered and ask them to confirm they picked them up
  9. When they confirm, reply to the original text to say that the request has been completed

Hygiene Procedure

Compulsory items to carry:

The idea is to only touch the items you will be dropping at the door with clean/disinfected hands. Below is a protocol for how to do this.

  1. Clean your phone with disinfectant spray - this is important as you may need to touch it during your shopping trip
  2. Wash/sanitise hands
  3. Walk through shop and put items into basket, making sure to only touch the items that are necessary
  4. Keep items away from mouth/nose
  5. Keep track of whether you are touching your face (or phone if it hasn't been disinfected). Every time you do this, re-clean your hands
  6. Go through self serve and put items into plastic bags
  7. Spray any area (bike basket/car boot/seat) that you will place the bags in with disinfectant